The 5 Ws of TruPoint Doctor Blade Tips [Infographic]
TruPoint Doctor Blade Tips Infographic – English (PDF)
TruPoint Doctor Blade Tips Infographic – Español (PDF)
TruPoint Doctor Blade Tips Infographic – 中国 (PDF)
New Polymer Doctor Blade for High-Graphics Box Makers
If you are a producer of simple corrugated graphics, you are probably very familiar with UHMW as the best [...]
TruPoint Green®: The New Kid on the Block Anilox
What is TruPoint Green? TruPoint Green is a next generation polymer doctor blade for corrugated printers producing mid-level graphics. [...]
The Evolution of Corrugated Doctor Blades
Since the 1960s, corrugated printing requirements have evolved from simple logistics to eye-catching promotional packaging with SKUs and tracking [...]
Doctor Blade Mechanical Creep: What it is, why it matters & what you can do about it
UHMW has always been the “standard” doctor blade used in corrugated applications. However, the function of the corrugated box has [...]