The 5 Ws of TruPoint Doctor Blade Tips [Infographic]
TruPoint Doctor Blade Tips Infographic – English (PDF)
TruPoint Doctor Blade Tips Infographic – Español (PDF)
TruPoint Doctor Blade Tips Infographic – 中国 (PDF)
Engineering Manager John Ferris Talks about Sustainability and Going Green at Flexo Concepts
What do 850 solar panels, a giant vacuum collection system, new LED lighting fixtures and a bunch of blue receptacle [...]
Flexo Concepts®: Distinguished Exporter of TruPoint® Doctor Blades
If a time period in a company’s history can be characterized by a single phrase, 2018 could be called the [...]
Manufacturing Manager Adam Yock Talks about Plant Safety at Flexo Concepts
One of Flexo Concepts’ most important cultural values relates to its people and keeping them safe is one of its [...]
Safety First: Discover Why Plastic Doctor Blades Are Preferred over Steel
Everyone agrees that plastic doctor blades are safer than steel. But why exactly is this true? The answer lies [...]