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Engineering Manager John Ferris Talks about Sustainability and Going Green at Flexo Concepts


What do 850 solar panels, a giant vacuum collection system, new LED lighting fixtures and a bunch of blue receptacle bins at 100 Armstrong Road in Plymouth [...]

Engineering Manager John Ferris Talks about Sustainability and Going Green at Flexo Concepts2024-03-19T10:30:14-04:00

In Safe Hands with Polymer Doctor Blades Blog Series Part 2 “Steel Doctor Blade Risk Management”


Workplace hazards are present in almost every industry, and the printing industry is no exception. A press operator faces many dangers at work every day. One [...]

In Safe Hands with Polymer Doctor Blades Blog Series Part 2 “Steel Doctor Blade Risk Management”2021-11-11T13:56:00-05:00

In Safe Hands with Polymer Doctor Blades Blog Series Part 1 “Numbers That Add Insults to Doctor Blade Injuries”


OSHA reports, “Businesses spend $170 billion a year on costs associated with occupational injuries and illnesses.” Also, "Employers pay almost $1 billion per week for direct workers’ [...]

In Safe Hands with Polymer Doctor Blades Blog Series Part 1 “Numbers That Add Insults to Doctor Blade Injuries”2018-11-06T13:57:05-05:00

Kanban 101


In today’s competitive marketplace, manufacturers are looking for ways to improve efficiency and wring costs out of the production process. By adopting lean manufacturing concepts, companies can [...]

Kanban 1012018-07-31T13:22:06-04:00
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