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TruPoint Green®真点绿色刮刀:中等密度线数网纹辊刮刀新成员


什么是 TruPoint Green 真点绿色刮刀? TruPoint Green 真点绿色刮刀是新一代的聚合材料刮刀,面向致力于生产中等质量图形的瓦楞纸板印刷客户。 为什么要推出 TruPoint Green 真点绿色刮刀? UHMW一直是瓦楞纸箱印刷使用的标准刮刀,然而随着中高图形需求的新增,UHMW不能执行中高线数线网纹辊的油墨刮除,有些印刷机被迫转向使用钢质钢刀,尽管钢刀存在使用寿命时间过短、容易割伤印刷机操作员等问题。 真点刮刀Green是一种能够满足中高线数刮墨要求的刮刀,同时提供塑料聚合物材质具有的优势:更长的使用寿命和钢刀的安全替代品。 UHMW 刮刀不适合的图形应用? UHMW 刮刀适合印刷基本图形,但是对于当今更多品牌产品对图形的更高要求,它的刮墨精度仍嫌不足。为什么呢?原因在于刮刀与网纹辊之间的接触面积,一般的经验法则是,接触面积越小,刮墨越精确:换言之,接触面积越大,刮墨精度越低。 从刮刀装机运作开始,UHMW刮刀与网纹辊的接触面积被调整的非常小, 但随着刮刀不断磨损,与操作员直觉地加压,刮刀与网辊接触面积会变得越来越大,甚至达到刮刀厚度的两倍。 UHMW 刮刀的硬度与机械蠕变性,会使得接触面积增大的后果进一步恶化。蠕变或称「弹性记忆」,指的是材料在受力的情况下保持原来形状的能力。对刮刀而言,蠕变是指刮刀在弯曲后保持原始形状的能力。 UHMW 刮刀的蠕变性欠佳,当承受恒定负载时,它会变得松弛而且很难回弹。事实上,UHMW 刮刀会在开始使用后的最初 30 分钟内失去 70% [...]

TruPoint Green®真点绿色刮刀:中等密度线数网纹辊刮刀新成员2021-10-12T09:57:59-04:00

Doctor Blade Mechanical Creep: What it is, why it matters & what you can do about it


UHMW has always been the “standard” doctor blade used in corrugated applications.  However, the function of the corrugated box has evolved from a simple “this side up” logistics [...]

Doctor Blade Mechanical Creep: What it is, why it matters & what you can do about it2021-12-14T15:27:29-05:00

Flexo Concepts® Receives Massachusetts STEP Grant Funding to Support Exports


Plymouth, MA, April 4, 2017. Flexo Concepts announced that it has been awarded funding for the third time through the Massachusetts State Trade Expansion Program (“STEP”) to [...]

Flexo Concepts® Receives Massachusetts STEP Grant Funding to Support Exports2024-03-19T10:30:22-04:00

Flexo Concepts® to Introduce TruPoint Green® Doctor Blade at SinoCorrugated 2017


Plymouth, MA, March 15, 2017. Flexo Concepts announced today that it will attend this year’s SinoCorrugated event in Shanghai on April 11-14. A first-time exhibitor, the company [...]

Flexo Concepts® to Introduce TruPoint Green® Doctor Blade at SinoCorrugated 20172024-03-19T10:30:27-04:00

New TruPoint Green® Doctor Blade to “Bridge the Gap” at ICE Europe/CCE International 2017


Plymouth, MA, February 10, 2017. Flexo Concepts® will introduce its latest doctor blade innovation, TruPoint Green, at this year’s ICE/CCE shows in Munich. The new blade “bridges [...]

New TruPoint Green® Doctor Blade to “Bridge the Gap” at ICE Europe/CCE International 20172024-03-19T10:30:36-04:00
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