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So far Christine Duggan has created 213 blog entries.

Flexo Concepts and Grupo Cosalco Team up to Bring TruPoint Orange to Colombia


Flexo Concepts and Grupo Cosalco joined forces at Andina-Pack 2013 to announce their partnership in bringing the premium TruPoint Orange doctor blade to the Colombian narrow web [...]

Flexo Concepts and Grupo Cosalco Team up to Bring TruPoint Orange to Colombia2024-03-19T10:30:15-04:00



随着大卖场与购物中心开架式空间的竞争日益白热化,品牌所有者希望自己推出的产品具有更吸引人的外观。这意味着更漂亮的图形、更鲜艳的颜色和别具特色的包装。如今同样面临着激烈竞争的窄幅印刷机械厂正在改用 UV 油墨和特殊涂层配方来实现更高的印刷质量、更快的周转时间、更高的产量和更短的停机时间。不幸的是,使用钢刀来刮除这些化学成分通常会导致飞墨问题产生。考虑到使用钢刀材质产生的缺点,新一代 TruPoint Orange® 真点橘色刮刀有望成为能够满足这些应用需求的正确解决方案。 UV 飞墨问题 钢刀的表面能量和柔韧性,会导致油墨难以顺利传递到印刷板上。钢刀的达因值高于 T橘色刮刀的达因值,这使得油墨更容易粘附在钢刀上,而橘色刮刀的材质特性使其达因值远低于钢刀,减小了与油墨之间的吸引力,有助于将更多的油墨传输到印刷板上。 此外,UV 油墨的标准粘度是水性油墨和溶剂油墨的 5 到 7 倍,它的触变特性(在被搅拌时变稀的能力)使它能够在印刷机上以不同的方式传输。当油墨黏度增加对钢刀施加过大的压力时,通常会导致刮刀下端油墨滑脱或飞溅,在印刷机高速运转时尤其如此。而橘色刮刀可以防止 UV 飞墨问题发生,橘色刮刀的微尖刀口刚性十足,可以与网纹辊紧密接触并防止油墨从刮刀上滑脱。 特殊油墨和涂层配方 利用特殊涂层和触觉表面(例如闪粉、珠光、纹理和柔软表面)来改善产品包装的外观,这些配方也同样面临着 UV 油墨特性的考验。它们比较粘稠并含有较大的颗粒,因此很难精确控制用量。这些化学成分和用于涂层的粗糙网纹辊表面会剧烈磨蚀钢刀——印刷机的刮刀消耗速度会因此加快,进而导致停机时间延长与成本上升。新一代 TruPoint Orange 真点橘色聚合材料刮刀极其耐磨,并与所有油墨和特殊涂层配方化学兼容;它们更经久耐用,并最大限度缩短了更换刮刀而造成的印刷机停机时间。 随着印刷业不断发展以满足市场的需求,印刷业者面临着新的问题。对于使产品在零售货架上更引人注目和提高印刷间的效率而使用的油墨和涂层配方,钢刀很难执行精确刮墨的情况下,橘色刮刀的材料特性和刀口设计,降低了 UV飞墨和刮刀磨损速度加快,所造成的停机时间和衍生成本。 [...]


UV Ink Spitting is a Dirty Habit


As competition for shelf space heats up, brand owners are looking to create more compelling-looking products. That means prettier graphics, more vivid colors and unique packaging. [...]

UV Ink Spitting is a Dirty Habit2021-11-15T10:57:37-05:00

Flexo Concepts to Feature New TruPoint Orange Doctor Blade Technology at Labelexpo Europe 2013


Flexo Concepts™ will feature its revolutionary new doctor blade, TruPoint™ Orange™, at this year's Labelexpo show in Brussels. Since its release to the market in early 2013, [...]

Flexo Concepts to Feature New TruPoint Orange Doctor Blade Technology at Labelexpo Europe 20132024-03-19T10:30:18-04:00





Doctor Blade Installation: Correct Angle and Pressure are Needed for Consistent Performance


The anilox roll and doctor blades are designed to work together to deliver a precise amount of ink to the plate. It is important to take [...]

Doctor Blade Installation: Correct Angle and Pressure are Needed for Consistent Performance2025-01-13T16:25:05-05:00

Flexo Concepts™ Celebrates 25 Years of Success with TruPoint™ Doctor Blade Line


This year marks 25 years in business for doctor blade manufacturer, Flexo Concepts. Since introducing its first TruPoint blade to the printing industry in 1988, the company [...]

Flexo Concepts™ Celebrates 25 Years of Success with TruPoint™ Doctor Blade Line2024-03-19T10:30:31-04:00
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